Max Fang
CEO and Co-Founder, Lexe
Twitter | GitHub | LinkedIn | Notes | Resume (old)
Email: [email protected]
About Me
Welcome to my website!
I am currently building
a managed non-custodial Lightning wallet based on Intel SGX.
I've been in the cryptocurrency space since 2014, and am a firm
believer in Bitcoin
and Lightning.
Prior to Lexe, I was perhaps best known as the longtime President of Blockchain at Berkeley from 2015-2018, and original creator of the Blockchain Fundamentals course in 2016. While studying Computer Science and Economics for my undergraduate degree at UC Berkeley, I taught blockchain as an Adjunct Professor for Berkeley Law, and was also the primary lecturer for the Blockchain Unlocked executive education program hosted by Berkeley Law and Berkeley Haas. I've spoken for and taught blockchain courses to numerous governments, NGOs, universities, companies, conferences, and events around the world.
In my free time I volunteer for the Human Rights Foundation's Flash Drives for Freedom initiative, with the hope of advancing human rights and catalyzing regime change in North Korea. I enjoy tennis, house music, reading, meditation, and Rust, and strive to lead my life with kindness, integrity, vitality, and strength.
For speaking engagements or other inquiries, feel free to contact me using the email above.